Improving health

  • Contact number 3364909
  • E-perearstikeskus service is active. See You in the digital communicative space
  • The center is located at Ilmajaama 12, (Ahtme Tervisemaja, 2nd floor)
    • Room L2080 - nurse
    • Room L2081 - doctor
  • Several public buses serve the hospital site. The nearest stop - Keskhaigla, can be reached with bus no. 1A, 1B, 17, 29, 53, 64, 73, 75, 84, 90, 90C, 551, 552.

Doctor Soitu is on vacation from July 15th to August 2nd. Within this period You will be assisted by doctor Kogan. 

Dear patients, we would like to express gratitude for our first challenging  year of working together. We appreciate you being sincere, result-oriented and respectful. Thank you for your support! 

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